Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - More Questions 1-10

Love this photograph of a woman and her dog. Don't they look smart! She's a mystery still, though I think she must be a Saggers or Staines relation. From my grandmother's album.

Last week it was time for more of Randy Seaver's Genealogy Fun at Genea-Musings. This month he's asking genealogists to answer the 20 questions Ellen Thompson-Jennings posed at her blog, Hound on the Hunt, a few weeks ago as "Even More Questions About Your Ancestors and Maybe A Few About You".

For my answers to questions 11-15, please follow this link to my July 14th post.


1. Which ancestor had the most children? It can be a couple or a single person.

I believe that is my second great grandparents with 11 children – Mary Ann Adams and Lancelot Rogers. But it seems too likely that for some older families (and even perhaps Mary Ann and Lancelot), there were babies I do not know about.

2. How many years have you been working on your genealogy/family history?

In an organized fashion? Since about 1988.

3. Do you collaborate with other genealogists on your family history?

Not that many are researching our families. One cousin, Ross Irwin, did ‘the’ research in Ireland and in Ontario on our Irwin-Livingston families from County Cavan, Ireland. When I started, I came across his queries and contacted him. He shared information on my family branch and I gave him updates.

4. Have you hired a professional genealogist to work on your family history? Even if it was just a small branch of the family.

No, but I would not rule this out.

5. If you have family heirlooms what’s your plan for their future?

I have lists of who should get what. I’m just reviewing these now. However, I think most things will eventually be ‘lost’ to the family. That’s why, on and off, I started writing about my ‘heirlooms’.  Now I wish I’d started out earlier and doing that all on-line. I should at least work on consolidating those I’ve done. Sigh… another genealogy project!

6. How many DNA companies have you tested with or transferred to? Have you tested at all the 5 major companies?

All 5 and a few more. Started out with the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation. That was the beginning, now 'the olden days'. Then 23andMe first when consumer testing was available. After that it snowballed.

7. Do you have an ancestor that had a successful business? Is it still in business?

None that are still in business. I think all, including all the farms but one, are out of family hands now.

8. How long ago was your last “genealogy/DNA happy dance?” 

Oh, about a month ago. I'm due another 😊 

9. Did you ever discover that a friend was also a distant cousin?

Indeed, while perusing a DNA match list for one of my genealogy students I saw my own name! And recently another student joined my classes. I was quite surprised to realize hearing her family story that she was a cousin (not DNA related). And while checking another genealogist's library and workbook lists, I realized we are likely related. But I haven't nailed down that connection yet. Always more to find.

10. Do you have a genealogy brick wall? Do you think you will be able to use DNA to work past it?

Yes, I do have some challenging families, the worst? Currently the Whites. Possibly someday DNA will help, so far it’s found me a few more recent cousins, but this is a very common English surname line. But I never give up.

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