Thursday, September 17, 2009

Treasure Chest Thursday - My View-Master

Who remembers View-Masters? I do!

Mum used to look for the rack of View-Master slide sets wherever we travelled. These were 'educational' - that was always her preferred kind of souvenir. Some were cartoons though, and I do have one of 'Knights in Armour'!

I have a box full here. In fact, not long ago I bought a newer viewer. But, I still have the old one here. And, I'll still buy sets showing British Columbia scenes, if I don't have them already.


Leslie Ann said...

Man, I wish I still had my view master!

gsgenealogy said...

I still have my view master and some Barbie disks to put in it! I also have the Arabian knights. The viewmaster is black with a metal advancer.

Greta Koehl said...

I wish I had my viewmaster, too. I had several fairy tale disks; the one I remember is Thumbelina.

Tracy said...

I had one, too! My View-Master was red plastic, and I think my favorite was a set of reels about Snow White.