Thursday, June 25, 2020

Why Athena? - Treasure Chest Thursday

Among my mother's things, and now my own, are several representations of the Greek goddess Athena. This little wall plaque is one Mum brought home from a trip we took to Greece in the 1980s. Why Athena?

Mum and I were both always interested in archaeology and ancient times so you might think that was the reason. But no...

During World War II, Mum was a member of the Canadian Women's Army Corps (CWAC) and a helmeted head of Athena, goddess of war, among her other attributes, was chosen as the symbol for CWAC buttons and collar badges. And there was the CWAC "March Athene". That's why. If you visit, you will see some owls too, closely associated with Athena, as with wisdom.

The Governor-General of Canada shown presenting commissions as second-lieutenants to 4 Manitoba CWAC cadets in Quebec. The Winn[ipeg Free Press, July 1943?], page 10. Clipping, personal collection. 
The cadets shown here were: Lois Gordon of Winnipeg, Muriel J Scott of Winnipeg [and Newdale], M. N. Herman, Swan River, and Ruth E Culbert of Winnipeg. 

Canadian Women's Army Corps, button, World War II. Personal collection.

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