As you can see from its condition and from the repairs, this was an often called for book in our family home - with information on all kinds of topics. From home decorating to first aid, spot removal, etiquette and cooking, insects or vegetables, it was all in here.
I know 'it's all on the Internet' now, but really - wasn't this convenient - and no added expense - no batteries, no power needed - after bringing it home from the bookstore. Sadly, this book is no longer as useful. Its pages are torn, its index has fallen out, it's ready for reincarnation, but not, I hope, in a computer manual. That would be sad!
Now the Magers, I would think, must have been an interesting couple. I wonder if they were both handy? Did they test all their tips? Did they have encyclopedic memories or card files full? Nathan H. Mager and Sylvia (Kornmehl) were their names. (Nathan H. Mager, obituary, The New York Times, published April 3, 1986.)
There's nothing like holding a book in your hand. So much more comfortable than leaning forward, peering into a computer screen. The feel of the book, the comfortable posture of your body, all add to the enjoyment of exploration between pages.
I surely do agree!
You probably guesssed that seeing as how I've kept this book with me long after its 'shelf life' is obviously over. If it hadn't been so well used though, it would likely still be in great shape.
Although I would never go back to book-only reference unless I had to, I have a special place in my heart for books like this.
I remember this book in our house when I was growing up
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