Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ah, that Genealogy Shelf...Shameful...A Genea-Blogger Treasure Hunt!

Denise Levenick over at "The Family Curator" has challenged Genea-Bloggers to a Treasure Hunt.

We're to choose a destination....a genealogy Magic Cupboard or the like...the place we put those valuable photos, documents, or relics to take care of 'later'.

Then we're to make a plan (a Treasure Map) to organize, preserve, document, return to rightful owners, pass on to relatives, or maybe even eliminate, keeping in mind the Sally Jacobs' archival advice that we don't have to save everything.

We post a Plan/Treasure Map to our blogs by 30 September 2008 and then we get to work!

A list of bloggers who have accepted the challenge will be posted at The Family Curator's blog.

Here's my genealogy 'sorting' shelf - isn't this awful? Yes, that's my suitcases you almost see - if I'd been home more lately, surely this shelf would be empty.

Starting next week, I'll begin from the ground up, and sort, file or toss one shelf of paper at a time. I'm leaving the top shelf for last as I can see my mum's scrapbook pages with my baby cards there - no time yet to read and exclaim over each of those! That I'll save for last. I already have archival envelopes ready for the loose ones.

For more on the Treasure Hunt, see The Family Curator's own Treasure Cupboards:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I love those cards. I hope you show more of them. Good luck to you, and thanks for taking up the challenge.