Well, so far 2025 has been pretty good for us - as I hope it's been for you all. 2024 was lots of fun and useful work - but not all the time.
I've set up a number of initial 12 week genealogy projects for myself for 2025 and have happily begun re-organizing and setting up initial research plans. (Also cleaning out things at home I don't use, want, care about - but that's another story.)
I'm off to teach genealogy at the Community Centred College for the Retired (CCCR) starting Thursdays January 30th , so if you are interested, come by or contact the College - https://www.cccrburnaby.org
Many other interesting CCCR courses and activities too - from Artificial Intelligence to Quilling to Ukulele!
Here's something from my 'walls' - I know who and when but I wonder which train stop this was at? And who took the photo. It seems a very professional photo - but no additional info visible.
Love this photo of our then King and Queen! - but it's the basket I'm really interested in.