Saturday, January 18, 2025

Brand New Year 2025...

 Well, so far 2025 has been pretty good for us - as I hope it's been for you all.  2024 was lots of fun and useful work - but not all the time.

I've set up a number of initial 12 week genealogy projects for myself for 2025 and have happily begun re-organizing and setting up initial research plans.  (Also cleaning out things at home I don't use, want, care about - but that's another story.)

I'm off to teach genealogy at the Community Centred College for the Retired (CCCR) starting Thursdays January 30th , so if you are interested, come by or contact the College -  

Many other interesting CCCR courses and activities too - from Artificial Intelligence to Quilling to Ukulele! 

Here's something from my 'walls' - I know who and when but I wonder which train stop this was at? And who took the photo.  It seems a very professional photo - but no additional info visible. 

Love this photo of our then King and Queen! - but it's the basket I'm really interested in.,BCA%20H%2D04736 

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, 1939 visit to British Columbia, Canada.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 It's almost time to celebrate Canada Day, July 1st! 

Canada Day at Kits Beach, courtesy of Christopher Porter, Flickr: CC By-NC=ND 2.0.

I've decided to turn over a new leaf during the celebrations - and will do my best to post more regularly here. It's been a very busy year here so far, and yes, I've done lots for genealogy - but rarely my own.

By the way, My Heritage has free access to their 135.4 million Canadian records this weekend (to July 2, 2024). Follow this link to Genealogy Bargains to get the info.  

I'll be at Eurofest at CountryFest in Maple Ridge with the Scandinavian Cultural Society, July 29th & 30th, at the Albion Fairgrounds.  Do come and chat with us!   See more about the Scandinavian Cultural Society:

Monday, March 11, 2024

One less hour in the day! But More Genealogy to Do...

 Well, as many will know, the past months have all been very busy - and no time for blogging or my own genealogy. January was a bit of a blur too, but March seems to be brighter, maybe with the 'time change'. 

Of course, I did attend RootsTech Conference last month, online, and that was fun. I'd surely like to attend in person one more time, so I should start saving my nickels. (No new pennies in Canada, and really not many nickels around every day either.)  

If by any chance you didn't attend RootsTech, go now online. Lots there to learn and do. All you need is to register for free: 

If you are looking at Scandinavian families, do attend the monthly Scandinavian Genealogy meetings in Burnaby at the Scandinavian Centre, usually the second Sat. of the month (but not in the summer). I am almost always there, and if you aren't able to come in person, we have a Zoom option. And soon enough it will be Midsummer Festival and our genealogy group will be there all weekend helping visitors find their families!

Coming up soon in April is the Spring semester at the Community Centred College for the Retired in Burnaby with a new set of Genealogy classes. I volunteer here and have been happily teaching genealogy for quite a while. Every semester is a little different depending on students' interests, experience and needs. The Spring class schedule will be online very soon. Enjoy a wide variety of classes from art to music, to computers, photography and writing, and more in between, including identifying family photos and postcards too. 

The Alan Emmott Centre in Burnaby, a heritage building and the home of the Community-Centred College for the Retired.

I'll post soon about more genealogy events coming soon!