Thursday, August 07, 2008

Genealogy and Local History For All - FamilySearch

Paul Smart, from FamilySearch, gave a presentation yesterday at the 'Genealogy and Local History for All' conference.

Although time was short, his was a very organized overview of what's available on-line now, especially at the 'new' lab website and wiki.He mentioned the volunteer indexing projects, of course, and the 'Life Browser' concept (see to try that idea out).

No surprises or exciting news (alas!), but what was interesting was how few in the room seemed to be familiar with the range of resources now available on-line from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

How many of these websites are you using? Have a browse...
Paul did say they read all the feedback from the FamilySearch sites, so be sure to comment if you have opinions or ideas.

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