Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Genealogy & Getting Organized with DearMYRTLE

Aha! I see that DearMyrtle's monthly 'getting organized checklists' have just been published in a book of their own.

"DearMYRTLE's FINALLY GET ORGANIZED: A 12-month Sure-Fire System by Pat Richley. Copyright 1995-2005. Week by week checklist for genealogists who live in the real world. No longer available on Myrt's website. 35 pages, paperback. 5.5" X 8.5" $6.95 " [U.S.A.$]

This is well worth the price, I'm sure.

Check DearMyrtle's bookshelf at: http://www.dearmyrtle.com/

There are package deals too, for example, for $10.90 [U.S.A. $]
you can get DearMYRTLE'S Finally Get Organized with

"DearMYRTLE's JOURNALS & PERSONAL HISTORIES: A Weekly Plan for Success by Pat Richley. Copyright 2005. A weekly plan for success. Myrt won't let you write for more than 15-20 minutes using this plan! 20 pages, paperback. 5.5" X 8.5" $5.95 ...

JOURNAL - a day-by-day account of one’s life, such as a diary.
PERSONAL HISTORY - one’s life story, usually written later in life, explaining birth, schooling, military marriage, occupation, hobbies and interests. "

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