Thursday, March 17, 2005

Daughters & Mothers ---Lots of Questions

Yesterday, I found a neat book to give my daughter for her birthday in July. (Hope she doesn't read my blog every day!) It's called

Fuzzy Red Bathrobe: Questions from the Heart for Mothers & Daughters, by Carol Lynn Pearson and (her daughter) Emily Pearson. (Gibbs Smith, Publisher: Layton, Utah, U.S.A., 2000). Illustrations by Traci O'Very Covey.

We are supposed to start our genealogy research with ourselves, but how many of us really take that seriously? Here's a book to get me going! Lots of thoughtful questions & a few not so serious ones---like "What joke do I remember my mother telling me?"

Mmmmm....I will have to think back for that one. Mum wasn't really one for jokes, although her mother was. What does that mean to me &, oh dear, what jokes will my daughter be thinking of?

Lots of quotes included (& yes, some are from Canadian women).

I noticed one of Charlotte Anna Gilman's sharp sayings right away. [nee Perkins, previously Stetson]. This would be good for a framed parlour sampler:

"A family unity which is only bound together with a table-cloth is of questionable value."
from Women and Economics, 1898.

Charlotte's Women and Economics was really the first feminist book I ever read & she's always been important to me. My daughter, Annabelle, & I will have to talk about Charlotte.

Fuzzy Red Bathrobe has sections of questions for Ancestors & Family; Bodies & Health; Being a Woman; Birth & Child-Rearing; as well as for Friends; Nature; Work & Dreams & other topics.

Another, similar, book I like is

Your Way: A Guide To Writing Your Own Life Story, by Emma Mae Robbins (Murder Bay Publishers Ltd.: Sooke, B.C., Canada, 2000).

Fuzzy Red Bathrobe might be available now on sale at a local Coles or Chapters store. That's where I found it yesterday---on a clearance table.

Your Way is available from the author. See for her information:

Now I wonder if I could find out if that illustrator, Traci O'Very Covey has any Ontario, Canada or Michigan, U.S.A. Covey ancestors in her charts that might link up with mine?

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