
Sunday, February 01, 2015

Ten (10) Rules for a Productive Genealogy Week

 "10 acres - Olivet Cherry spraying outfit, Kelowna, B.C." 1900-1910. Photographer, John Woodruff (1859-1914). Credit: Canada. Dept. of Mines and Resources / Library and Archives Canada / PA-020982. John Woodruff apparently took many photography trips for the Canadian government. If anyone has more information about him, please contact me.1

 My computer found this list which it says I wrote 2 years ago. Post-New Year's resolution blues maybe?

This started out, I think, as a list of only 5 because that was the title. This is in fun, of course. (But a couple of these really do work, especially #8. And I know I need to take #7 to heart.)

1. Don't get yourself into any dull routines, like usually getting started on your biggest (or worst) project first thing in the morning. Life is just too crazy to plan.

2. Forget about putting away all that stuff in piles on your desk. These things are all important; you'll need them soon and it's easier for you to remember how far down the pile they are than which shelf or file they belong in.

3. Check your e-mail, Facebook and Twitter accounts constantly. You never know when something (or someone!) exciting might pop up.

4. Try not to even think beyond today's deadlines – one day's work is more than enough to worry about.

5. When you think of a new project, get started on it right away! Don't wait to finish all those others half-done.

6. Never make a list with more than one day's to-dos. It just looks 'too busy' to see all your work laid out neatly with daily/weekly tasks, objectives and goals.

7. Taking a stretch or snack break interrupts your work; don't do it. And don't take a day off with friends either. After all, they'll always be there when you do really need them.

8. Read a novel every chance you get. You'll always find a good quote or idea.

9. Don't ask for advice or look for help for a task or project. You can figure it out faster all on your own – right?

10. Remember 'life is just a bowl of cherries'. Oops, I don't really like cherries much, but eating Prunus avium or Prunus cerasus is much better than contemplating a 'chair of bowlies', especially in a pie.


    "Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries",Jack Hylton, 1931:
    Life is just a bowl of cherries:
    A Tale Of Pits and Stems in Paradise (and a recipe), Green Bin:


    1 "Commissioned Photography" by Jim Burant, Library and Archives Canada (LAC), in Moving Here, Staying Here, on-line    exhibit.


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