
Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Bonne Année! New Year, new genealogy plans.

Bonne Année, postcard mailed in 1909 to Nimes, France. 
From my 'family tree' postcard collection. Carte Postale; publisher's mark "H. K. C."

For me, it has been a very slow start to 2015 as I have been sick, although even while too ill to work or even read, it seemed I had a lot of plans going through my mind. Once I woke up determined to officially change my name (an idea that lingers); another time I decided to swap rooms (I think as both my room and the library are full of  `stuff`).  

I`ve given up that last idea but if some young`un turns up soon I may ask to have some furniture moved around. Once I was getting better, that swap idea did seem to make Thomas MacEntee`s 2015 Genealogy Do-Over 13 week plans more appealing. People are adapting this to their own situations, so I will do that too.

Just before Christmas, after reading quite a lot of how-to-dos, I had set up a brand new set of geographical and family computer folders and a new (still empty) Legacy software database for my recently launched SAGGERS surname study

I then spent a few happy hours adding new-to-me newspaper stories (mainly to do with WW I) and I had also set up a SAGGERs community on the Lives of World War I website.  And I had double checked my marriage information for my known Canadian Saggers families, intending to submit this to the Guild of One-Name Studies

Oh, yes, I had also decided to start using Clooz for the study and Evernote too and planned to spend a day learning more about using each of these two programmes. 

This all came to a crashing halt - now I really need to get myself going again. 

So, for my `2015 Genealogy Do-Over` I will concentrate only on the above. This should give me a good start to the study but will no doubt enliven my other family history work, especially in Legacy, as since I started in the olden days `before PCs and Macs`, I have never gone back and added media to my older entries. That could be my next do-over, but not quite yet :-)

Thomas`s  Genealogy Do-Over has certainly struck a chord with many. Have a look at his plan for the 13 weeks. I particularly like that he`s built in time for thinking and planning. And yes, there is a Facebook group and already lots of posts and additional activities.

Interested? There`s still time for you to join in. Now I'm off to sweep up my desk. And to slot my new SAGGERS study folders into Dropbox so there won't be any excuse not to file even when I'm away from home.

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