
Friday, April 21, 2023

VANCOUVER BC Canada – Genealogy Approved Websites and Resources – A Baker’s Dozen - April 2023 Day 4

 Today I'm featuring the Vancouver School Boards Archives & Heritage website.

Search for a school name and see photos collected with usually a little information about the school.  (Rarely are pupils named.)  Most of the photos seem quite recent. I believe a good number of older photos were collected digitally and hope to see them added someday soon. 

One area features 'Lost Schools' with information on schools no longer in operation, including some photographs. 

One of the schools included in that section is the Vancouver Normal School (1901-1956) - the teacher training school - which I remember at West 7th Avenue and Cambie Street in the 1950s, but it was at other locations before that. If you know of someone who taught school in Vancouver before 1956 they may have trained there. 

And I would also check the City of Vancouver Archives for photos, maps, drawings and additional information, as I have done to find the photo below. (And the Vancouver Public Library Special Collections, and Vancouver newspapers too!)

Simon Fraser School Cooking Class, ca 1920. Courtesy of City of Vancouver Archives: CVA 468-040. Public Domain. Creator (designated in the Archives description) George Halford Wilson.

The three Identified in the photo are: #1Hazel Tuff (Mrs. Halford Wilson) #2 Eleanor Hanna, and #3 Mr. Campbell, Principal. (I believe the last was Principal Edmund Caspell who was at Simon Fraser School from 1911-1932.)

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