
Friday, March 25, 2022

RootsTech 2022 - Still Going Strong!


All the 2022 sessions, available all year! 

All free to learn from at your own pace. 

This year, as last year, I was busy at RootsTech talking to visitors to the Guild of One-Name Studies booth.  

 I did get time to see some events and watch at least a few of the many, many sessions I knew I wanted to see. I hope you did too. 

Since then, as time permits, I've been 'attending' RootsTech 2022.  Here are a few favourites I recommend. (Don't forget to download all the handouts.)

Before RootsTech even opened, I was recommending Michelle Patient's DNA session on "Maximising Messages". I knew it would be good - and practical. Asking how to contact DNA matches effectively is one of the most often heard 'genetic genealogy' questions.

Of course, Canadian research is a topic I'm very interested in. Valerie Casbourn of Library and Archives Canada has a 3 part session series on Canada's World War I military records

 1. In the Trenches: Military Service Files 

2. War Diaries of the First World War

3. Photographs of the First World War

Her presentation points out how important it can be to explore all the documentary evidence to learn what was happening to the military units at this time, not only those records which name our family members. 

Myko Clelland also has a 3 part series - on Scottish records which I've been spending a lot of time on lately. He includes abundant advice on searching the records, and highlights some documents often overlooked, like vaccination records. 

1. Birth in Scotland

2. Marriage in Scotland

3. Death in Scotland

I really do like the 3 part series idea as it allows for more depth for each element of the topic, and still is convenient and comfortable to watch. 

Another of my favourites was "Play and Gift Giving Our Family History" by Traci A Gormley. Her thoughtful ideas for sharing family history with family members will be easy to do, 'repurposing' games everyone already loves, for instance. 

Katherine Schober's presentation, "I Don't Speak the Language! Translation Tips & Tricks" is indeed full of great advice for deciphering records in languages we don't know. And she explains how her tips and tricks work so we'll be able to use them again and again.

I wasn't able to attend any of the panels or discussion sessions 'live' but I am catching up now. Looking forward to listening soon to "Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in an Online World (A Discussion)" by Jill Ball and Lynn Broderick. A very timely topic! 

Which sessions caught your attention? Do let me know. 

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