
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

My Blogging from A to Z April Challenge for 2020

Yes! I've decided to enter the A-Z Blogging Challenge next month, April 2020, here on CanadaGenealogy. This will be my first time in this Challenge although I've blogged other types of Challenges. In fact, I just finished one at my Saggers One-Name Study site.

Officially this is the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge! hosted by a team of 6 intrepid leaders at  The Challenge theme is 2020 Vision! and there is a list ready for all the participating blogs and for their themes.

Many different kinds of bloggers participate - so far 15 genealogists and family historians have signed up. I look forward to reading their posts next month. The deadline to enter is Thursday, March 26th, so if you are interested, join now.

My Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is:

British Columbia, Canada Genealogy On-line Resources, 

A to Zed1, 2020!

Weekdays, through April 2020, I'll be highlighting my favourite on-line resources with some hints and tips for genealogy and family history set in British Columbia, Canada. I've created an A to Zed list of websites and topics I could cover so I might do this again as it's quite a list now. 

Oh! Except for Zed - but I know I have a postcard from Zeballos, BC! If you have an idea for another genealogy topic for Zed, do let me know! 

During these trying times, many of us are extending our genealogy time so these will be helpful to many now, and I'll compile them afterwards so they can be easily accessed later.


1.  If the Zed thing seems odd, watch this video by Simon Whistler of the Today I Found Out channel which explains it. 

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