
Saturday, August 10, 2019

SUNDAY STRAYS & SURNAMES – Desson, Mackenzie, Miller, Walker of Goldstream and New Westminster, BC, 1909

 This sweet photo of Myrtl (or Myrte?) Desson, dated 1909, is from a postcard in my Stray Photograph collection and was mailed in Nanaimo, BC, 1909? (date mostly illegible). As always with hand writing, the spelling of names may vary.

To Mrs. D. MacKenzie, New Westminster, B.C. c/o Mrs. D.H. Miller, (811) Royal Avenue.

My Dear Grandma, Will answer your welcome letter soon and tell you all the news. The wee Babe is doing splendidly, gained almost a pound this last week. Love to Lena and yourself and a X to Hugh. Yours as ever, Daisy

 Another postcard in my collection with a faded photograph of Baby Walker, Goldstream B.C. was sent Sept. 22nd/09 from Albert to his “dear little cousin” and was addressed to:  H.H. Miller, Esq., 811 Royal Ave. New Westminster, B.C.

From directories, I see that D H Miller of 811 Royal Avenue in New Westminster was David H Miller who married Isabella Mackenzie in New Westminster in 1897.

I think the 'grandma', Mrs D MacKenzie, must be Mrs Duncan (Isabella Duncan?) MacKenzie.

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