
Friday, April 08, 2016

What am I reading in England?

As I was packing someone asked me which books I was taking to read. I laughed and said I was taking half a dozen to last me on the immediate journey at least, but in my luggage I had a hundred more, the new ones mostly a mix of mystery, genealogy and steampunk. For someone like me, who can't imagine a day without a book, this is grand.

Of course, the hundred more aren't so heavy as the six. They're all in my Kindle account and as long as it's cloudy, so to speak, I won't run out of books to read. 

This trip has not been without challenges, mostly small, thankfully, but still. Reading helps. Two people recommended I read The Martian by Andy Weir and that was one of the paper books I brought along. Loved it! And what a good companion Mark Watney is - an unfailing sense of humour and the ability to fix almost anything (and explain mostly how he does it). OK, occasionally he blows something up or electrocutes it accidentally, but still, what a guy - he always bounces back. 

As an example of how handy Kindle is to me, after I left home, I had a note from David (D.J) Wiseman. I read his first genealogy mystery some time ago and now he's finished another. I was able to buy that via, download and start reading in under 4 minutes. Can't complain about that! If you're into genealogy, you'll like this mystery, The Death Of Tommy Quick And Other Lies (Askance Publishing, 2016), featuring genealogist Lydia Silverstream, in a sequel to A Habit Of Dying (2012). It is available both as a paper or digital book.

1 comment:

  1. Diane, I think of you every day! I don't know where Birmingham is in England, but I know you must be having a Great Time! I didn't know there were genealogy fiction books. That sounds like fun. I just discovered teapot mystery books. (another passion of mine; mysteries and tea) Have a marvelous trip.
