
Monday, October 19, 2015

Where Are the Women in Your Family? Follow up session and handouts

For those who were in my session on researching women at the Finding Your Roots Seminar on Saturday, October 17, 2015 in Surrey, BC, welcome.

Here is the Western Canada Female Research resource list to download or print (.pdf) and a bonus - my own Female Research Flow Chart (printable or download the .pdf) meant to start you off in developing a timeline and specific ideas for researching an individual woman. (If you need these in a different file format, or you need another copy of either of the two handouts at the talk, just drop me a line.)

Remember, I'll be giving a follow up session at the BC Genealogical Society Library on Saturday, November 7th, 2015 beginning at 1:30 pm.

The BCGS Walter Draycott Library is located at 211-12837 76th Avenue Surrey, BC.
Hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10-3 except holidays - and if it snows, the Library is closed.

Happy researching!

. Diana McNabb and Alexander McNabb, married 7 January, 1870
 in Victoria County, Ontario, Canada.

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