
Monday, May 04, 2015

Kamloops Family History Society Seminar 2015 - A Great Success!

Family History - Past to Present, the Kamloops Family History Society's 2015 Seminar held this weekend was a great success. Attendees and presenters all enjoyed themselves.

The Keynote Speaker was Cyndi Ingle of Cyndi's List, and the other speakers were Claudia Breland, Lyn Meeham and myself. 

The Society, especially the conference committee, deserve warm thanks for all the thought and hard work that went into the conference.

If you live near Kamloops and are not already a member of the KFHS I certainly suggest you join. This is a very friendly group. I certainly hope to see them again soon. 

For those in my Deadline! Researching Newspapers for Family Historians talk, here are the links I promised you. Happy newspaper reading! I'd love to hear what you find. 

Newspaper Collection, Library and Archives Canada. Geographical microfilm list; geographical list of published indexes (not complete but useful as a starting point), : 

And Library and Archives Canada has some "Special Editions of Canadian Newspapers" on-line. (An archived exhibit):

British Columbia digitized newspapers & indexes, British Columbia Genealogical Society:  The lastest digitized papers added are for Kamloops, BC! 

Wikipedia – List of worldwide online newspaper archives - worldwide:

For those in my Genetic Genealogy talk, here are the additional links I promised.


Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond by Emily D. Aulicino

DNA for Genealogists by Kerry Farmer

And be sure to check your names to see if anyone is doing a study of those families already. They may have a DNA project or be intending to start one.

Guild of One-Name Studies:

The Surname Society:

Any other info you'd like? Just e-mail me. I'll do my best to help. 

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