
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

All I Want for Christmas - Blog Caroling

Footnote Maven's Blog Caroling logo

In honour of the season, once again Footnote Maven is sponsoring Blog Caroling for the geneabloggers. I'm a bit late singing along, but here goes.

All I want for Christmas is - SAGGERS

All I want for Christmas is lots of Saggers,
lots of Saggers,
many Saggers!

They can be from anywhere, I don't care,
outer space,

No matter spelt Sigger, Sogger,
Saggars, or Laggers, or the research muddy.
Just send me LOTS of SAGGERS for my study!

Hear someone else sing the original song, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" which is only a bit older than I am. (We're now classics.)

Warning - TOO CUTE! Click here to smile.

As some will realize this song brazenly promotes my 'new' Saggers One-Name Study or Surname Study.

Happy Christmas, Grandma Sarah!
(No, sorry, there's none of your Dandelion wine left for the toast. But I have some Islay whiskey for your pudding, Can't leave out other grandma's side of the family.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including this fun classic Christmas song on the blog caroling tour.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!
