
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Today's the day! Where are all the Canadians in #genealogy?

Today I'm going to say here something I've been saying for a long time....

Why is Canadian genealogy so often shown as 'white' and European?  (And too often, mainly British.)

Of course, in the 'big picture', it isn't (and never was). As a British Columbian genealogist, I see plenty of evidence of people researching their family history all around the world, but some newbies might not stay around long enough to learn that on the ground anyone is welcome to join us in this heartfelt, obsessive pursuit.

There's one company - the one with the best known #genealogy name in Canada, I'd wager - which uses an English woman in ads.  And, not an English born, Canada living woman like my one gran who had the edges of her (never plummy) accent rubbed off - but a woman who lives and works in England for that company.

Now for Canada Day, there's a nice enough video again from that company apparently with 'real' Canadians (maybe Ontarians?)  - but all look white (and are only talking about male relatives).

 - "There’s nothing ordinary about being Canadian."

Darn right! Enough of being polite.

Give us something better. Something inclusive! And be quick about it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you thank you! Every time that darn ad comes on I grit my teeth and grumble in hubby's direction!

    I am so irritated that this company does not understand our ancestral makeup at all.

    Do they think we all talk with British accents? Do they think we only have British ancestors?

