
Saturday, January 18, 2014

David Irwin & Helen Tomblin - Ontario to BC, Canada - 52 Ancestors

My grandmother identified this family as Dave and Helen (Nellie) Irwin, with their daughters, Edna, Muriel and Mildred. Photographers, Craig & Will, Headquarters, Regina, Assa. [Regina, Assiniboia, North West Territories, later part of Saskatchewan, Canada.]

David had already moved to Neepawa, Manitoba with his parents when he and Helen Irwin were married in Ontario, Canada in 1895, and they lived in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan, before settling last in Vancouver, British Columbia. Both Edna May and Mildred Marie Irwin moved to California, USA in the 1920s. Mildred Marie married Russell J. Cleland, while Muriel Ilene stayed in Vancouver and married William Franklin in 1931.

Helen's parents were George Tomblin and Elizabeth Birmingham. David's parents were my great great grandparents James Irwin and Mary Ann Moffat.

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