
Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Royal Tour - Canada, 1939

Specially for those leaving Rootstech 2013 with one of my CanadaGenealogy postcards showing King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later known as the Queen Mum) in Manitoba, Canada in 1939. 

Yes, the tour was to enlist support in the war to come, but since this was the first time a reigning monarch had visited, it was an event of great interest to many Canadians, as it was with Canada's Prime Minister Mackenzie King who travelled with the royal couple during their trip to Canada and to the United States, the first time ever that a reigning monarch had visited the U.S.

Here are a few links which may interest you.

The Royal Visit, ONFB,1939 (film, 90 min.) National Film Board of Canada:

The Story of the Canadian Royal Train of 1939, timeline,

Their Majesties in Canada: The 1939 Royal Tour, radio clips, etc. CBC Digital Archives:  

Behind the Diary [of William Lyon McKenzie King], Politics, Themes, and Events from King's Life -
The Royal Tour of 1939 [archived pages at Library and Archives Canada]:

 The British Royal Visit [to the USA], June 7-12, 1939, text, photos and film, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum:

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