
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

CanadaGenealogy at RootsTech 2013

Here I am in Salt Lake City! How the city has changed since I was here last, but the Library is very much the same.

So far, I've had a grand time. One of my many reasons for coming this year was to meet some of my on-line genealogy friends and colleagues. So far I've met quite a few - in one very funny case, right on-line. How Web 2.-3. is that!  (There are almost 80 geneabloggers attending this year. Perhaps we should now have geneablogger and geneawebmaster life lists as birders do?)

I had the pleasure and privilege of attending DearMyrtle's historic 'Mondays with Myrt' broadcast on Monday from the Family History Library. If you missed that, it's archived on YouTube: 

And, of course, I've been in the Family History Library - so far pursuing a recently located criminal relative. And checking out an old will with lots of family info. (Thank you, Thomas Adams, ggggrandpa, innkeeper at Shipham, Somerset, England.) 

I spent much of yesterday in the Salt Lake City Cemetery taking photographs, etc. This is the first time I remember using my phone so extensively in a cemetery. A little girl asked 'what was I doing?' Yes, I did call home to my little girl once, but mostly I was looking at maps on the cemetery's site at and individual grave details on And thinking I might upload some photos to too.  

Today it's a Library day again - and tonight is early registration for RootsTech 2013!  More later....


  1. Sounds like a great time so far, Diane! Enjoy every bit!!

  2. Hi, Diane,

    Tells us more! I saw you on DearMyrtle on Monday -

    So, tell me more. How was the the conference -

