
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Postcard Craze - Postal History and Family History

I'll be giving an illustrated  presentation on Postcards, Postal History and Family History, Wednesday, March 13, 7:30 p.m. for the British Columbia Genealogical Society (BCGS) at the Edmonds Community Centre, 7282 Kingsway, Burnaby BC. This will be the BCGS' AGM so there will be a short business meeting beforehand, and there will be refreshments! All interested are welcome to attend.

During this presentation, I'll be talking about my favourite ways to use postcards to enhance, further and illustrate your own family history - as I've done with my own. For a bit of a preview, see the family related posts at my Postcard Craze website.

For example, here is a postcard I've collected showing the Shipham Church in Somerset, England which a number of my Adams/Day/Rogers/Tripp (and Martin/Salisbury) family members attended. This is St. Leonard's [Anglican]. Here is some information about the bell ringers now at St. Leonard's from the Shipham Parish website.

Shipham Church, 687. Unused black & white, divided back postcard.

Jeffrey L. Thomas has created a genealogy website for St. Leonards Church, Shipham, Somerset, England with photographs and listings from the church's early parish records, along with photographs of his own Hare family markers in the churchyard.

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