
Sunday, April 01, 2012

Canadian Immigration - Crew Lists

Yesterday, I volunteered at 'Nordic Spirit 2012: The Lives They Left Behind', a two day event in Burnaby, BC sponsored by the Scandinavian Cultural Society. This continues today at the Scandinavian Community Centre and features photographs, storytelling for children, displays and talks illustrating life in the Nordic countries from 1850 to 1950. Today there will be a talk on 'Scandinavians on the Titanic'.

At the BCGS Scandinavian Genealogy Group table we are doing quick lookups and offering advice to get people started on their own family history research. Do come and see us if you attend today.

My last post included a link to my recent handout for Canada Census and Immigration Research. To those who were interested, I've offered copies of this.

One question was asked about crew lists. The handout doesn't mention these, but there is a great source for Canada related crew lists and that is Newfoundland's Memorial University's Maritime History Archive. And Dave Obee's CanGenealogy Immigration resource page, recommended highly in my handout, does include a link to the Maritime History Archive.

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