
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Women in Central and Eastern European Genealogy - 17th edition, Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy

Welcome everyone to the 17th edition of the
Carnival of Central and East European Genealogy.

Our theme this time celebrates International Women's Day -

Women in Central and Eastern European Genealogy

Thomas MacEntee of Destination: Austin Family begins our Carnival with his tribute to Frances Pressner - My German-American Great Grandmother. What a charming photograph - so hopeful both look, and both show a hint of humour. No doubt that shaped their lives together in North America.

In her Carnival contribution, Researching My Central and East European Female Ancestors, this Carnival's originator, Jessica Oswalt of Jessica's GeneJournal, highlights the variety of resources she's uncovered for her female ancestors who came from Germany and from ethnic German areas of the Russian Empire - from death records to deeds.

Brenda Dougall Merriman's Carnival article, Marija, gives us a fascinating peek into her Latvian grandmother's time working in St. Petersburg.

In my own contribution here at CanadaGenealogy, or, Jane's Your Aunt, Robitnytsia - A Source for Ukrainian Canadian Women's History, I discuss a few reasons ethnic and political publications like Robitnytsia are often neglected by family historians, and point to one solution.

And lastly at Tangled Trees, we learn about Theresa Stosz of Segenthau, Romania, surely an inspiration to all of us who are researching our families, particularly our female relatives. What good advice she gave and how well she taught it!

Thank you everyone for participating and for making my first time as a guest host for this Carnival so enjoyable. Everyone will appreciate reading your contributions. And thank you to Jessica for inviting me to participate as a host this time.

The topic for the next edition of the Central and East European Genealogy Carnival will be -

Easter and Passover Traditions

Submissions are due by April 20th, 2009 and the
Carnival will be posted at Jessica's Genejournal on April 22nd.
Join in!
For more information, contact Jessica at Jessica's Genejournal. Submit your entry through Blog Carnival:
Edited to add Blog Carnival link, 1 April, 2009 - No joke though

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